Well, I gave in, finally. I want a nailblog too! I've been rejecting it for quite a while - how many nailblogs does the world need? But the main reason for me giving in is, I want to be a part of the blogging community too. There are so many wonderful blogs out there which I admire a lot! And what can I add? It might be my weird taste in nail polish - I love green and I hate pink. I'm honest and sarcastic. My nails are human - they wear and tear like most nails do. No perfection here - although I love perfect nails - it is what it is.
Well. What would a nailblog be without a nail pic?
Let's start with one of my baby's - OPI My Private Jet. I loooove holo's and one of my fav holo's is this one. A true black with a hidden rainbow - who can resist that?
Freakin' awesome!
Thanks for getting to know me - I'm looking forward to meet you too!
Cheers and beer to you,
Whihihi, hoe zat was je toen je deze blog aanmaakte?? :D